Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

04 Aug 2021

Right place, right home, right size?

Working with social housing providers and tenants across North Wales read new analysis from Tyfu Tai Cymru about the challenges and opportunities to help people move to a more suitably sized home.

04 Aug 2021

Lle cywir, cartref cywir, maint cywir?

Gan weithio gyda darparwyr tai cymdeithasol a thenantiaid ledled Gogledd Cymru darllenwch ddadansoddiad newydd gan Tyfu Tai Cymru am yr heriau a'r cyfleoedd i helpu pobl i symud i gartref mwy addas.

Member only 02 Aug 2021

Focus on influencing Scotland: August 2021

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

Free 21 Jul 2021

A housing practitioners' guide to integrating people seeking protection and refugees

This revised guidance published by the Scottish Refugee Council with support from CIH Scotland explains the asylum process in the UK and includes practical advice for housing practitioners.

This revised guidance published by the Scottish Refugee Council with support from CIH Scotland explains the asylum process in the UK and includes practical advice for housing practitioners.

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19 Jul 2021

Wales partnership report

CIH Cymru has been busy supporting members to navigate the impact of the pandemic, see an overview of our activities and our priorities going forward working with and supporting members.

CIH Cymru has been busy supporting members to navigate the impact of the pandemic, see an overview of our activities and our priorities going forward working with and supporting members.

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19 Jul 2021

Adroddiad partneriaeth Cymru

Mae CIH Cymru wedi bod yn brysur yn cefnogi aelodau i lywio effaith y pandemig, gweld trosolwg o'n gweithgareddau a'n blaenoriaethau wrth symud ymlaen yn gweithio gydag aelodau a'u cefnogi.

Mae CIH Cymru wedi bod yn brysur yn cefnogi aelodau i lywio effaith y pandemig, gweld trosolwg o'n gweithgareddau a'n blaenoriaethau wrth symud ymlaen yn gweithio gydag aelodau a'u cefnogi.

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Free 16 Jul 2021

Response to the draft Housing Supply Strategy - call for evidence

This is a response to the call for evidence by the Department of Communities on the draft Housing Supply Strategy for Northern Ireland.

Free 08 Jul 2021

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans, temporary accommodation and housing options: a survey of Scotland's local authorities

This report explores how local authorities are progressing with implimenting Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans and makes recommendations for further support needed to transform homelesnsess services.

Member only 05 Jul 2021

Focus on influencing Scotland: July 2021

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

22 Jun 2021

Consultation response on the policy options for Northern Ireland’s Energy Strategy

This is a response to the consultation by the Department for the Economy on policy options for Northern Ireland’s Energy Strategy.

The Strategy relates to domestic properties, protecting tenants, communicating the change and the upskilling of housing professionals to implement the changes in the years ahead.

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Member only 21 Jun 2021

Consultation briefing: review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter

This briefing outlines the Scottish Government's consultation on the review of the Scottish Social Housing Charter and how you can have your say.

15 Jun 2021

What you need to know: The programme for government in Wales

Find all the main details in one place in this briefing which highlights the main housing related commitments in the Welsh Government's programme for government.

Member only 07 Jun 2021

Focus on influencing Scotland: June 2021

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

Member only 07 Jun 2021

Succession planning for Scotlands social housing sector

This new guide aims to support Scotland's housing organisations in thinking more about their own succession planning, highlighting good practice from across the country.

28 May 2021

CIH submission to MHCLG Decent Homes Standard Review: Additional comments on a new Decent Homes Standard

CIH's submission of additional comments to MHCLG’s review of the Decent Homes Standard.

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