Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Member only 01 Feb 2021

What you need to know about the Unsuitable Accommodation Order Guidance

This briefing summarises various amendments that have been introduced and new Scottish Government guidance setting out how the changes should be implemented.

Member only 28 Jan 2021

What you need to know about the draft Scottish Budget 2021-22

This member briefing summarises the Scottish Government's draft budget for 2021-22.

Member only 27 Jan 2021

What you need to know: new immigration rules after Brexit

This briefing for CIH Scotland members explains new rules around eligibility for support with housing and homelessness and access to benefits following the end of the Brexit transition period.

Free 26 Jan 2021

Joint letter to Kate Forbes, Cabinet Secretary for Finance

In this joint letter, an alliance of advocacy, support and housing organisations call on the Scottish Government to invest in affordble housing supply.

Free 26 Jan 2021

CIH response to MHCLG consultation on supporting housing delivery and public service infrastructure

CIH has responded to the consultation which comes at a time of great change for high streets and town centres.

The original MHCLG consultation can be found here.

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Free 20 Jan 2021

Supporting tenants affected by COVID-19 who have rent arrears

The measures available to landlords and tenants to support tenants in rent arrears, and how to communicate well with tenants to keep them informed and reassured.

Free 19 Jan 2021

Maintaining tenancies - a guide for the private rented sector

This guidance was produced by CIH Scotland, Homes for Good and the Scottish Association of Landlords to help landlords and letting agents deal with COVID-19.

Free 19 Jan 2021

Dealing with anti-social behaviour and COVID-19

An outline of how anti-social behaviour issues may manifest themselves during the Coronavirus pandemic, and the legal & practical steps housing organisations can take to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Free 19 Jan 2021

Engaging with tenants about Coronavirus

Some tips on communicating with tenants to ensure they are aware of the main issues around Coronavirus and its impact on daily life.

Free 19 Jan 2021

Gas safety - COVID-19

Information and advice on how housing organisations can continue to meet obligations under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.

Free 19 Jan 2021

Repairs and maintenance services and COVID-19

Information on delivering a repairs and maintenance service during the Coronavirus pandemic, and how to keep staff and tenants safe while doing so.

Free 19 Jan 2021

Supporting vulnerable tenants affected by COVID-19

A look at how landlords can support vulnerable tenants affected by COVID-19, hospital discharge, and working with partner organisations.

Free 19 Jan 2021

Managing lettings and empty homes during COVID-19

This good practice note outlines practical considerations to enable lettings and empty homes management to continue where possible.

Free 18 Jan 2021

Temporary accommodation and day centres for people experiencing rough sleeping during Covid-19

Guidance on management of day centres, hostels, and temporary accommodation during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Free 18 Jan 2021

CIH submission to the Budget 2021

CIH sets out its Budget submission, outlining areas where investment in housing would benefit most.

The submission outlines how investing in housing can boost the post-Covid economy by building new homes, meeting new building safety requirements, achieve net zero carbon, help with housing costs, meet support needs, and end homelessness

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