Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Member only 18 Mar 2024

What you need to know about the interim rent control measures for the private rented sector

This new CIH member briefing summarises new interim rent control measures due to come into effect from 1 April 2024.

15 Mar 2024

All-Ireland Housing Awards Good Practice Compendium 2024

See all the award entries to the All-Ireland Housing Awards 2024 in our Good Practice Compendium

Member only 12 Mar 2024

What you need to know about Scotland's housing emergency

This briefing, exclusive for CIH members, explains the political and financial context behind Scotland's housing emergency.

Member only 07 Mar 2024

What you need to know about the Spring Budget 2024

On 6 March, the Chancellor published his Spring Budget. Housing did not feature much but this guide summarises the measures that members are likely to be interested in, alongside our response.

Free 07 Mar 2024

Heat in Buildings Bill consultation response

CIH Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill setting minimum energy efficiency standards for the private sector and clean heat across tenures.

Free 07 Mar 2024

Social Housing Net-zero Standard consultation response

CIH Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on a new Social Housing Net-zero Standard (SHNZS) to replace the current Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH2)

05 Mar 2024

CIH Northern Ireland response to the review on Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour can have a significant negative impact on people’s lives and local areas, and CIH supports measures that aim to tackle this in a timely way, so that problems do not escalate.

We support the introduction of positive requirements, which presents a proactive approach to addressing the root causes of ASB.

See more
05 Mar 2024

CIH response to the Future Homes Standard technical consultation

Read our latest response to the government on the Future Homes Standard and options that members have consulted on.

05 Mar 2024

CIH submission to Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ consultation on Awaab’s Law

Read our submission response to DLUHC on the detail behind Awaab's Law collated with the support of members.

01 Mar 2024

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans: Improving access to the private rented sector

This joint research with Fife Council looks at the barriers people face accessing the private rented sector and how to make it an attractive, viable option for those experiencing homelessness.

Member only 28 Feb 2024

What you need to know about the Welsh Government’s final budget 2024-2025

This member-exclusive briefing sets out the key funding allocations in Welsh Government's final budget 2024/25 - A Budget to Protect the Services which Matter Most to You.

28 Feb 2024

CIH submission to the All Party Parliamentary Group inquiry on the regeneration of outdated sheltered housing

CIH's submission to the APPG discussing sheltered and independent living housing.

Member only 21 Feb 2024

Focus on influencing Scotland: February 2024

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

19 Feb 2024

Chartered Institute of Housing response to the Building Safety Levy: second consultation

CIH responds to the second consultation on the Building Safety Levy, find out what detail is in our response to government.

Member only 19 Feb 2024

What you need to know about net-zero and fuel poverty in Scotland

This new CIH member briefing gives an update on key milestones for net-zero and fuel poverty in Scotland.