Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Free 07 Dec 2020

Welfare benefits and Coronavirus December 2020

An updated version of our factsheet outlining recent changes to benefit rules.

An overview of recent changes to benefit rules, including some which will come into force in April 2021.

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Free 04 Dec 2020

Domestic Abuse Protection Bill response

CIH Scotland responds to the call for evidence on a new Bill that aims to make it easier for social landlords to end a joint tenancy for perpatrators of domestic abuse.

Free 04 Dec 2020

Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill response

CIH Scotland response to proposals which would introduce a cap on rent increases in the private rented sector of CPI plus 1 percent each year.

Free 02 Dec 2020

Public attitudes to social housing in Wales

Just over three quarters of the Welsh public agree that a right to housing should be a law in Wales - in this snapshot of public opinion, find out what other views on housing the public hold.

NEW Free 02 Dec 2020

Agweddau'r cyhoedd at gartrefi cymdeithasol yng Nghymru

Mae mwy na thri chwarter o bobl yng Nghymru'n cefnogi hawl gyfreithiol i gartref, yn ôl arolwg newydd gan CIH Cymru. Darllenwch ragor am safbwyntiau'r cyhoedd ynglŷn â thai.

Free 01 Dec 2020

Public attitudes to social housing in Scotland

This new research explores what people in Scotland think about social housing as a political and personal priority.

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NEW Free 26 Nov 2020

Community-led approaches to empty homes

This full-length report delves into the full detail of research undertaken by a team of final inal year Housing Studies students from Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Get the full report focusing on how community-led approaches can make a difference in addressing empty homes. Delivered through Tyfu Tai Cymru and carried-out by final year Housing Studies students from Cardiff Metropolitan University.

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NEW Free 26 Nov 2020

Community-led approaches to empty homes: Summary report

Get the all the essential findings from Tyfu Tai Cymru research led by final year Housing Studies students from Cardiff Metropolitan University and supported by the Wales Cooperative Centre.

NEW Free 26 Nov 2020

Dulliau a arweinir gan gymunedau i dai gwag: Adroddia cryno

Gwelir y darganfyddiadau allweddol o ymchwil Tyfu Tai Cymru a chafwyd eu harwain gan ddisgyblion Astudiaethau Tai o Brifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd a chefnogwyd gan Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru.

Member only 23 Nov 2020

Focus on influencing Scotland: November 2020

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

Free 19 Nov 2020

Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan - joint response

CIH Scotland, Shelter Scotland and SFHA have submitted a joint response to the Scottish Government's draft Infrastructure Investment Plan.

Member only 18 Nov 2020

What you need to know: Social Housing White Paper 2020

Find out everything you need to know about the Social Housing White Paper released in November 2020.

Free 02 Nov 2020

Mandatory standards for new homes

CIH Cymru along with Public Health Wales have provided this joint submission, setting-out the future for housing standards across all tenures.

Free 02 Nov 2020

CIH response to ONS consultation on population projections

CIH has responded to this consultation by the Office for National Statistics, based on the organisation's use of population projection data in the annual UK Housing Review.

Free 30 Oct 2020

Our future Wales

In this response CIH Cymru sets out the role for the housing sector during the COVID-19 recovery and beyond.