Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Free 28 Oct 2020

CIH submission to MHCLG consultation on the White Paper: Planning for the Future

CIH has responded in detail to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government's consultation on Planning for the Future.

Free 23 Oct 2020

Suspension of local connection referrals

CIH Scotland's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the suspension of local connection referrals between all local authorities.

Member only 22 Oct 2020

Focus on influencing Scotland: October 2020

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

Free 15 Oct 2020

Housing education in Scotland

This new report sets out the practical steps required to enhance access to and uptake of housing education in Scotland.

Free 15 Oct 2020

A draft National Development Framework for Wales

CIH Cymru has provided its responses to the draft National Development Framework, highlighting the central role that housing has to play.

Free 09 Oct 2020

Social security committee impact of covid-19

CIH Scotland responds to the Social Security Committee's call or evidence on the impact of Covid-19 and how people can be better supported.

Free 09 Oct 2020

Regulation of short term lets

CIH Scotland responds to the Scottish Government's consultation on new regulations for short term lets including a nationwide licensing system.

Free 08 Oct 2020

Right to adequate housing Bill launched

CIH Cymru along with partners Tai Pawb and Shelter Cymru have launched a Bill aiming to bring the housing and homelessness crisis to an end in Wales

Free 08 Oct 2020

Laswiyd Bil i cartrefi digonol

Lansiwyd CIH Cymru gyda parteriaid Tai Pawb a Shelter Cymru Bil i ddod ag argyfwng Tai a Digartrefedd Cymru i ben.

05 Oct 2020

UK Housing Review 2020 Briefing Paper

Following the publication of the UK Housing Review 2020 earlier this year, this follow-up briefing provides additional commentary.

Free 01 Oct 2020

CIH response to MHCLG consultation on changes to the planning system

CIH has responded to the consultation paper from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government proposing changes to the planning system in England.

Free 28 Sep 2020

Rethinking social housing Northern Ireland

Read the full 'Rethinking social housing Northern Ireland' report, that sets out tangible steps towards ensuring everyone can access a safe, affordable and comfortable place to call home.

Member only 25 Sep 2020

Focus on influencing Scotland: September 2020

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

Free 23 Sep 2020

CIH submission to the 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review

CIH's submission to the 2020 Comprehensive Spending Review gives detailed responses to the priorities of strengthening the post-Covid19 economy, widening economic opportunity, improving public services, and making the UK a scientific superpower.

See more
Free 22 Sep 2020

Cefnogi tai 2021: Maniffesto dros gartrefi

Fel ein bod yn agosáu at etholiadau Senedd Cymru 2021 darllenwch ofynion CIH Cymru ar gyfer pleidiau gwleidyddol er mwyn ddatrys yr argyfwng tai yng Nghymru.