Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Member only 10 Jul 2020

What you need to know: Plan for jobs

A roundup of the initiatives within the government's plans to kickstart the economy's revival from the Coronavirus pandemic which particularly relate to the housing sector.

Free 30 Jun 2020

Joining the dots in local government

See the full results from Tyfu Tai Cymru's latest survey of local authority housing professionals in Wales.

Free 30 Jun 2020

Nodi'r cysylltiadau o fewn llywodraeth leol

Gweli'r canlyniadau arolygiad o weithwyr tai llywodraeth leol llawn o Tyfu Tai Cymru.

Free 30 Jun 2020

CIH submission to the Environmental Audit Select Committee inquiry into the energy efficiency of existing homes

CIH's submission on whether current targets are sufficient to meet the net zero by 2050 challenge within the existing housing stock.

The Environmental Audit Select Committee issued a call for evidence inviting written submissions on government targets for domestic energy efficiency. CIH's submission responds to the questions raised in turn, focusing on the challenge in England.

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Member only 10 Jun 2020

What you need to know: Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill 2020

A new members Bill was introduced on 1 June by Pauline McNeill MSP, housing spokesperson for the Scottish Labour Party. This member briefing summarises the content of the Bill.

Free 09 Jun 2020

Affordable housing need in Scotland post-2021

New research published by CIH Scotland, Shelter Scotland and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations calls for 53,000 affordable homes to be delivered over the next five years.

Free 01 Jun 2020

Protect tenants from arrears, eviction and homelessness

This CIH Scotland policy briefing sets out steps that need to be taken to prevent a spike in evictions when Coronavirus restrictions are lifted.

Free 01 Jun 2020

CIH submission to the inquiry into long-term delivery of social and affordable rented housing

Supplementary submission following the March 2020 budget and in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

CIH responded to the inquiry and makes specific points following the 2020 budget, addressing the Affordable Homes Programme and funding for social rented sector housing more widely. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on housing is also discussed.

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Free 31 May 2020

Protect tenants from arrears, evictions and homelessness – An urgent call to government for action during and after the coronavirus epidemic

CIH has prepared a detailed set of proposals to enable a crisis to be averted when protections and respite measures in place during the Coronavirus pandemic are withdrawn.

Free 31 May 2020

Protecting tenants from eviction during the Covid-19 pandemic

Alongside barrister Liz Davies, CIH Cymru sets out the measures needed to protect tenants from eviction during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Free 25 May 2020

How to support hate crime victims

This briefing outlines definitions of hate crime, experiences of vicitims of hate crime, and practical ways for housing organisations to offer support.

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Member only 22 May 2020

What you need to know: Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill 2

This briefing summarises the second emergency Coronavirus Bill passed by the Scottish Government.

Free 11 May 2020

How to support hate crime victims

A look at the forms hate crime can take, and how housing organisations can tackle hate crime, illustrated with case studies of existing initiatives.

Free 06 May 2020

Universal Credit guide for beginners

Many private tenants facing financial difficulty because of Covid-19 may be having to navigate the benefit system for the first time. This briefing from the social enterprise letting agency Homes for Good privides a quick guide for private sector tenants, landlords and letting agencies.

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05 May 2020

The Domestic Abuse Bill and the Benefit Cap: A Briefing for MPs

The briefing outlines the impact the Benefit Cap has on survivors of domestic abuse and how it could be amended to facilitate claimants to leave an abusive situation.