Our recordings cover various topics, from practical housing management and high-level policy discussions to events designed to support your professional development. All recordings are free for all CIH members, log in and listen/watch from anywhere.

19 Apr 2023 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode 14 - Doing it on purpose... with Em Stroud

Join us for the second episode of our new series.

Welcome to the second episode of our new CIH podcast series, Doing it on purpose, hosted by CIH director of membership and business development, Josie Twinning.

In this podcast we’ll dive into conversations with women about work. It seeks to share stories, experiences, wisdom and all the messiness too. A space for women to belong, reflect and get lost in as we ‘find out who we are and do it on purpose’, these are words of the most rightly revered Dolly Parton.

In today's episode, Josie catches up with clown, best-selling author and co-founder of Laugh, Think and Play Em Stroud. Josie and Em discuss a little bit of everything, from what it means to be a mum, looking after our bodies as we continue to recover from COVID, and the real meaning of play.

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08 Mar 2023 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode 13 - Doing it on purpose... with Kate Still

Join us for the first episode of our new series

Welcome to the first episode of our new CIH podcast series, Doing it on purpose, hosted by CIH director of membership and business development, Josie Twinning.

In this podcast we’ll dive into conversations with women about work. It seeks to share stories, experiences, wisdom and all the messiness too. A space for women to belong, reflect and get lost in as we ‘find out who we are and do it on purpose’, these are words of the most rightly revered Dolly Parton.

In the first episode of the series, coinciding with International Women’s Day 2023, Josie sits down and speaks to Kate Still, former housing CEO/COO and founder of The Good Girl Survival Club, a development programme for women who want to survive and thrive at work. Their focus on transforming the understanding of cultural gender bias in organisations and individuals, plus the work they do to help women become their true selves is exactly why Kate has joined us our first guest. 

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17 Jan 2023 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode 12 - The year in housing - looking back on 2022 and to 2023

Join our CIH policy experts as they dissect some of the biggest challenges from 2022 and opportunities for the year ahead.

2022 was quite a year. Alongside the tragic outbreak of war in Ukraine which triggered a new wave of refugees, we saw a fast-growing cost of living - and in turn housing - crisis, a heat wave followed by record levels of fuel poverty, and unprecedented political upheaval (three Prime Ministers and five housing ministers).

CIH director of policy and external affairs James Prestwich sits down with Callum Chomczuk, CIH Scotland national director, Justin Cartwright, CIH Northern Ireland national director, Matt Dicks, CIH Cymru national director and Rachael Williamson, head of policy and external affairs for England to dissect some of the biggest challenges from 2022 and opportunities for the year ahead.

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17 Nov 2022 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode 11 - Is it all bad news for the housing market?

Unpacking analysis from the UK Housing Review autumn briefing paper

Ahead of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, Rachael Williamson, CIH’s head of policy, talks to some of the UK Housing Review team about the housing market – exploring whether it’s all bad news or if there is scope for optimism. She’s joined by Peter Williams, Departmental Fellow at Cambridge University and a well-known expert on the private housing market, Bob Pannell, an economist and respected analyst of housing and mortgage markets, and John Perry, senior policy advisor at CIH.

The podcast unpacks some of the analysis set out in the UK Housing Review, which had its autumn briefing launch earlier this month and is a fantastic resource for all things housing. 

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31 Oct 2022 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode 10 - In my shoes with Lara Oyedele

Meet the new CIH president

CIH director of policy and external affairs James Prestwich sits down with the newly inaugurated CIH president, Lara Oyedele. 

At CIH, our presidential team is a super important to our mission to support housing professionals to create a future in which everyone has a place to call home. As an inspirational figure for the sector, the CIH president often provides "challenge" for improvement which is exactly what Lara will do during her time in office. 

Lara’s presidential campaign, In my shoes, seeks to raise awareness of the importance of racial diversity in the housing sector, drawing on Lara’s lived experience of the housing sector and racial adversity. The campaign will challenge the lack of ethnic and racial diversity in the boardrooms of housing organisations, providing a catalyst to galvanise positive change.

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14 Oct 2022 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode nine - Health and housing partnerships

Pairing up these two important topics

CIH head of policy and external affairs Rachael Williamson is joined by Aileen Evans, group chief executive at Grand Union Housing Group and Liz Parsons, head of public health for the built environment and social housing for the Milton Keynes, Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough council partnership to have a wide-ranging discussion about housing and health – two topics that are often discussed but not necessarily with a clear strategic plan to pair them up.

During this episode, Aileen and Liz share their experiences of bringing together health, housing and social care leaders to develop stronger partnerships. Settle down for a fascinating listen as we explore some of the brilliant work that Aileen, Liz and partners have been doing and the life-changing effect this has had on the communities they work with.

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04 Oct 2022 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode eight - CIH x Zero Ambitions: Housing policies - part two

Listen to part two!

We've teamed up with our friends at the Zero Ambitions podcast to bring you another great discussion with Callum Chomczuk, national director for CIH Scotland and CIH chief executive Gavin Smart.

In the second of this two-part episode, the team continue their discussion on housing policies, including new builds, retrofits, the private rented sector and social housing.

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26 Sep 2022 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode seven - CIH x Zero Ambitions: Housing policies - part one

The first half of our recent chat with our friends at Zero Ambitions.

We've teamed up with our friends at the Zero Ambitions podcast to bring you another great discussion with Callum Chomczuk, national director for CIH Scotland and CIH chief executive Gavin Smart. .

In the first of this two-part episode, we have a fascinating conversation that covered a wide range of housing policies, including new builds, retrofits, the private rented sector and social housing.

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20 Sep 2022 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode six - Cost of living and the PM's 'to-do' list

Join us as we explore some of the biggest challenges in the UK right now.

CIH director of policy and external affairs James Prestwich sits down with CIH head of policy (England) Rachael Williamson, Alistair Smyth, director of external affairs and social investment at The Guinness Partnership and Charlotte Carpenter, executive director of growth and business development at Karbon Homes to discuss the big issues facing the new Prime Minister and Secretary of State for LUHC as they take office, with a particular focus on the cost of living crisis.

The cost of living crisis is having a huge effect across society, with social housing residents and tenants some of the hardest hit. We've produced a cost of living briefing series to provide a succinct, insightful summary of the latest research and statistics alongside resident voice and sector response.

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31 Jul 2022 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode one - Welcome to the CIH podcast

Our first episode!

In our first episode of the CIH podcast, host James Prestwich, CIH director of policy and external affairs is joined by national directors and policy leads from across the UK: Callum Chomczuk (CIH Scotland), Matthew Dicks (CIH Cymru), Justin Cartwright (CIH Northern Ireland) and Rachael Williamson (CIH head of policy). Chatting about some of the biggest challenges facing the housing sector right now, the group explores the levelling up agenda, why we still need more affordable homes, plus decarbonisation and retrofit.

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