Our recordings cover various topics, from practical housing management and high-level policy discussions to events designed to support your professional development. All recordings are free for all CIH members, log in and listen/watch from anywhere.

Member Only 03 Oct 2023 | Webinar

The Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code

After its passage through Parliament, the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill received Royal Assent, becoming the Social Housing (Regulation) Act on 20 July 2023. One crucial aspect of reform is the transformation of powers held by the Housing Ombudsman on complaints handling.

Why watch?

  • Understand what this will mean in practice and feedback on your views on the upcoming consultation

Your speakers:

  • Verity Richards, Head of Service, Housing Ombudsman Service

  • Chair: Sarah Davis, Senior policy and practice officer, Chartered Institute of Housing
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Member Only 18 Sep 2023 | Webinar

Cost of Living: Building Resilience and Managing Difficult Situations

Watch this Housing Management masterclass to hear from a diverse panel of speakers to discuss how you can take important steps to look after your staff as they help local communities through this challenging period.

The cost of living crisis is having a huge impact on all of society. That’s why it’s more important than ever to ensure your colleagues have the correct tools and skills to support your communities, whilst also prioritising their own self-care and resilience.

Why watch?

  • Explore how to build employee resilience to help them adapt during hard times
  • Discuss the most effective ways to manage difficult conversations
  • Explore how to create a good supportive and collaborative environment that helps employees feel more connected and engaged in their work
  • Learn about the practice of self-care.
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13 Sep 2023 | Webinar

Building Better Boards: Getting to Grips with Cyber Security

Explore the risks of cyber threats to housing providers, how to reduce the risk of an attack and how to mitigate the impact.

Cyber attacks can have a catastrophic impact on housing organisations. These digital assaults often disable computers, steal data, or halt customer service lines.

At this event in our Building Better Boards series, we heard from organisations that have been subject to cyber attacks to offer insight and learning so you can be prepared. We explored how these attacks can happen, what impact they have and how to recover from them if you or your organisation are targeted.

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12 Sep 2023 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode 16 - Could we be doing more to end homelessness?

Embracing the Homes for Cathy commitments.

CIH policy and practice officer Hannah Keilloh is joined by a fantastic podcast panel to talk about embracing the Homes for Cathy commitments, and how housing providers could play a crucial part in ending homelessness.

Hannah is joined by Vicky McDonald, social impact manager at Hightown Housing Association, leading on communications for Homes for Cathy, Hazel O'Halloran, head of homelessness and community investment at Bromford Housing Association and Arthur Tsang, director of communities at Bournville Village Trust.

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Member Only 11 Sep 2023

How to Develop a Proactive Local Community Presence

Watch this session to hear from a range of providers and organisations and explore how a strong community presence can help to address some of the challenges highlighted in the review.

This session will explore how the Better Social Housing Review, commissioned in 2022 by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and the National Housing Federation (NHF), made seven key recommendations for the social housing sector. This included a focus on “housing associations developing a proactive local community presence through community hubs which foster greater multi-agency working”.

Why watch?

  • Learn from examples of where community hubs and other local presences are working well, with and for residents
  • Hear from a range of providers and organisations and explore how a strong community presence can help to address some of the challenges highlighted in the review.
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Member Only 07 Sep 2023 | Webinar

Delivering an Effective Maintenance and Repairs Service in Ireland

Explore effective maintenance and repairs service in Ireland

Housing associations, local authorities and private property providers in Ireland manage a diverse range of portfolios, all facing numerous repairs and maintenance challenges. Despite these challenges, tenants are very much at the centre of their service provision, and this session will explore good practice, innovative solutions and Irish regulation for repairs and maintenance.

Why watch?

  • Learn from case studies showcasing strong practice-based approaches to maintenance and repairs
  • Gain a better understanding of the maintenance and repairs landscape in Ireland
  • Explore the importance and impact of data and monitoring trends in providing an effective service
  • Understand the regulatory environment in Ireland
  • Learn about the role of tenants in contractor appointments and monitoring overall performance.
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Member Only 05 Sep 2023 | Webinar

The Regulator of Social Housing Consumer Standards

Join the Regulator of Social Housing to understand what this will mean in practice and for your chance to feedback your views on the consultation.

After its passage through Parliament, the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill received Royal Assent, becoming the Social Housing (Regulation) Act on 20 July 2023. One crucial aspect of reform is the transformation of the consumer regulation role of the Regulator of Social Housing. 

Why watch?

  • Understand what this will mean in practice and for your chance to feedback your views on the consultation.

Your speaker:

  • Anna Furlong, assistant director of policy, strategy and impact, Regulator for Social Housing

  • Alexandra Taylor, strategy manager, Regulator for Social Housing

  • Chair: James Prestwich, director of policy and external affairs, Chartered Institute of Housing.

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Member Only 27 Jul 2023 | Webinar

Housing and Dementia

Watch this recording of our Housing and Dementia event to hear about the practical steps you can take in your organisation to support people to live well with dementia.

Expert speakers from across the housing sector and third sector explore a variety of topics including training and awareness for housing staff, dementia friendly design, developing and implementing a dementia strategy, and the role of technology in supporting people to live safely and independently.

Why watch?

  • Learn about dementia and how it affects people in different ways
  • Challenge some common misconceptions about dementia
  • Hear practical tips and suggestions about how your organisation can help people to live well with dementia.
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Member Only 18 Jul 2023 | Webinar

The Role of the Housing Officer

Watch this this Housing Management masterclass to hear from a diverse panel of speakers with experience of the housing officer role, with tenant perspectives on what a good service looks like to them

This session will explore the true impact of the cost of living in more depth and will highlight the work happening across both the housing and charity sector to help alleviate the pressures.

Why watch?

  • Take away helpful practical measures of how we can do better to increase professionalism?
  • Learn about the skills, values, behaviours, and knowledge that is required of a housing officer
  • Explore more about what a housing officer role looks like in a modern housing organisation.
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03 Jul 2023 | Podcast

The CIH Podcast episode 15 - Considering anti-social behaviour through a domestic abuse lens

Released during ASB Awareness Week 2023

In our next episode of the CIH podcast, CIH policy and practice officer Hannah Keilloh is joined by two very special guests, Nicole Jacobs, domestic abuse commissioner for England and Wales and Deidre Cartwright, senior housing manager at the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA), to discuss the links between anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse.

At CIH it's our belief that everyone has aright to a safe, affordable and secure home, and yet we know for the victims and survivors of domestic abuse, including children, home is often the most dangerous place. By its very nature, domestic abuse is a housing issue, directly impacting on a survivor's right for a life free of violence and abuse and the right to a safe and stable home.

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