Our recordings cover various topics, from practical housing management and high-level policy discussions to events designed to support your professional development. All recordings are free for all CIH members, log in and listen/watch from anywhere.

Member Only 29 Nov 2018 | Career development

How to get the most from your mentor

Eden Bailey, quality team manager, West Mercia Housing Group shared her experience of being both a mentor and mentee and Ramila Modi and Hannah Slater from CIH membership team explained the process of how to become a mentee or a mentor.

Member Only 07 Nov 2018

Tackling homelessness through systems change

CIH policy and practice officer Faye Greaves and Emma Lindley, housing strategy lead officer at Ashfield District Council and Chair of CIH East Midlands board explored the potential of the Homelessness Reduction Act to spark a fundamental shift in systems and culture that can ultimately drive long-term change and tackle underlying causes of homelessness.

Member Only 20 Jul 2018 | Skills development

Going digital - how are housing organisations gearing up for the future?

Nick Atkin, group chief executive at Halton Housing and Faye Greaves, CIH policy and practice officer explored what the key drivers are for landlords’ use of digital technology; the different approaches to digital development and channel shift; the importance of data and how it can be used proactively; and the role of organisational leadership and culture.

Member Only 09 Feb 2017 | Career development

Introducing the new housing apprenticeships

This video discusses the key differences between the new apprenticeship standards and the previous apprenticeship frameworks as well as focussing on how they will work in practice and explore the key benefits of an apprenticeship for both employers and apprentices as well as explaining the new apprenticeship levy which comes into force in April 2017.

This video explores the key benefits of an apprenticeship for both employers and apprentices as well as explaining the new apprenticeship levy which comes into force in April 2017. This is your opportunity to learn more about the new apprenticeship standards in Housing and to find out how you can get involved.

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