Our recordings cover various topics, from practical housing management and high-level policy discussions to events designed to support your professional development. All recordings are free for all CIH members, log in and listen/watch from anywhere.

20 Mar 2024 | Membership

Supported Housing Network relaunch event

CIH is pleased to partner with Matt Baird (Co-chair of Spring Housing and founding member of the supported exempt accommodation forum) and Eden Bailey (CIH’s West Midlands regional lead) to relaunch the popular supported housing network.

The first of the network’s virtual meetings took stock of the emerging regulatory framework in which we operate, and you can catch up on it here.

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14 Mar 2024

In conversation with the regulator – learning from the local authority inspection pilots

Find out what learning can be taken from the recent local authority consumer inspection pilots across the country.

The new consumer standards framework, which will go live in April, will give the Regulator of Social Housing stronger powers to hold landlords to account and include regular inspections. To prepare for this, the Regulator has run a series of consumer inspection pilots with housing associations and local authorities to test and refine its approach before wider roll-out.

In this webinar we’ll hear from the Regulator of Social Housing about the changes that are being made to the regulatory framework, what the inspection process will look like and key learning points arising from the pilots.

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Member Only 12 Mar 2024 | Events

Lunch and Learn: The Competence and Conduct Standard

Making sense of the proposed Competence and Conduct Standard for social housing. Discover more about the government’s proposals for the Competence and Conduct Standard for social housing.

On 6 February, the government opened a consultation on its proposals to introduce a new, regulatory standard relating to the competence and conduct of social housing staff. This standard will require senior managers and executives to have, or be working towards, a relevant qualification. It will ensure that staff have up-to-date skills, knowledge and experience, and that they exhibit the right behaviours to deliver a high quality, professional service and treat residents with respect.

During this lunch and learn, discover more about the government’s proposals for the Competence and Conduct Standard for social housing. We were joined by representatives from the Department of Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to talk through the proposals and what they mean for the sector.

Why watch?

  • Hear directly from government representatives about the proposals
  • Listen to the audiences questions about the proposals, and what they will mean for our own roles
  • Listen to the discussion about the proposals to shape CIH’s response

Your speakers:

  • Charlotte Hilliard from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
  • Sarah Dunkerley, director of professional development, Chartered Institute of Housing
  • Chair: James Prestwich, director of policy and external affairs, Chartered Institute of Housing 
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13 Feb 2024 | Events

Making the Most of CIH Membership

An interactive virtual workshop that will help you discover more about the extensive benefits of mentoring for you and your organisation.

Mentoring is a great way to support your professional and personal development. The CIH mentoring programme, hosted by PushFar, is designed to support you to identify relevant development opportunities and give you the tools to make impactful connections to help your career soar.

Why watch?

In this membership session, we were be joined by Ed Johnson, CEO and co-founder at PushFar who gave an insight into the benefits of mentoring and an overview of the platform and it’s incredible functionality. Some current CIH mentors and mentees also came along to share their first-hand experience of mentoring and how it’s enhanced their career and professional development.

Your speakers:

Ed Johnson, CEO and co-founder, Pushfar

Brendan Morrissey, assistant director of customer and communities, Clanmil HA

Chair: Jill Allcoat, regional manager, CIH

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Member Only 25 Jan 2024 | Events

Career Branding in Housing

An interactive virtual workshop that will help you in your housing career journey.

A career in housing is exciting and can provide an incredible variety of options, from housing management to resident involvement, and from development to supported housing – to mention just a few. Here at CIH Ireland we want to ensure that our members are equipped with a career development toolkit to in order to progress within the sector.

For this interactive workshop, hear from career consultant, Susan Keating, who will explore what a career brand is and how you can effectively design and develop yours. Susan will offer insights into how to leverage your brand for greater planning and opportunities for your career in housing. There will also be a career Q&A with Ali Burdis Leech, and Ali will talk about her career progression journey at Tuath Housing.

Why watch?

  • Discover how to create, manage and promote your personal brand as part of a successful career management strategy
  • Learn how to use a mentoring relationship as a key career resource
  • Find out how to leverage your connections for career success
  • Explore how to develop a plan to take your housing career to the next level.

Your speakers:

  • Susan Keating, consultant career coach and trainer, Onelife Coaching
  • Ali Burdis Leech, housing services manager, Tuath Housing Association
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Member Only 16 Jan 2024 | Events

Building Blocks for Life: Positive Partnerships Across Health and Housing

Explore positive partnerships developing across three counties to address local priorities while building healthy places and addressing inequalities.

In this member-exclusive event, hear from housing associations, local councils (public health) and policy leaders to understand how they are working to embed a partnership approach to health and housing. Delve into strategy and process and exactly how they have created a sustainable, long-term way of working together.

Why watch?

  • Learn how to effectively develop partnerships between public health and housing
  • Explore the broader focus on healthy neighbourhoods, enabling more holistic and effective tenancy sustainment
  • Unpack the learning from the partnership community outreach and how training for neighbourhood and wellbeing staff on a range of public health topics can form a wider response to supporting residents in their neighbourhoods

Your speaker:

  • Liz Parsons, head of public health: built environment and social housing, Public Health – a shared service across Milton Keynes, Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough
  • Phil Hardy, director of operations, Grand Union Housing Group
  • Kirsty Pepper, managing director (north counties), Peabody
  • Sarah Davis, senior policy and practice officer, Chartered Institute of Housing
  • Chair: Rachael Williamson, Head of policy and external affairs, Chartered Institute of Housing.
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Member Only 13 Dec 2023 | Events

Improving the Quality of Social Homes

Better Social Housing Review - one year on

Hear from the Regulator for Social Housing, National Housing Federation and Chartered Institute of Housing about changes to how we manage the quality of our homes and customer service.

Why watch?

  • Hear updates from the Regulator, NHF and CIH and gain an understanding of how implementing the Better Social Housing Review recommendations can prepare you for the new regulation. 
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Member Only 06 Dec 2023 | Events

The Big Conversation: Artificial Intelligence

Explore how AI can be leveraged to improve the day job for landlords, enhance customer experience, and learn how we can stay ahead of an ever-changing labour and tech market.

Why watch?

During this session, we’ll hear from those in the know about all things AI, who will explore:

  • The ethics of AI
  • The opportunities to deliver greater value for tenants
  • The fundamental question about risks and accountability for landlords
  • The wider use of AI and scope for AI within the housing sector
  • Challenges around the adoption of AI.

Your speakers:

  • Steph Wright, head of Scottish AI Alliance
  • Colin Foskett, UK director, CareBuilder
  • Graeme Hamilton, Innovation officer, Albyn Housing Associaton
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Member Only 05 Dec 2023 | Events

Building Better Boards: Getting Ahead of the Curve

A showcase of good practice case studies

Hear from organisations that are leading the way in housing with their bold ideas and actions, and how members of the board were instrumental in driving this change.

Why watch?

  • Watch conversation with our expert speaker - we encourage delegates to challenge, debate and share their ideas and insights
  • Watch fellow board members and governance professionals discover new ideas to guide your organisation.

Your speakers:

  • Michelle Meldrum, CEO, Berwickshire Housing Association
  • Gemma Bell, partner, Devonshires Solicitors LLP
  • Chair: Tara Devine, regional manager – London & Eastern, CIH
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Member Only 28 Nov 2023 | Events

The Procurement Act: What Can We Expect?

Explore the forthcoming Procurement Act, unpacking the risks and opportunities it presents for social landlords and how organisations can practically prepare for the changes.

In this member-exclusive event, Procurement for Housing discusses the most important updates on the Procurement Act and what it all means for social housing providers.

Why watch?

Members will take away practical knowledge on:

  • Key changes from the current Public Contracts Regulations to the new Reform Act
  • The opportunities this will create
  • The risks senior leaders and organisations need to be aware of
  • Practical advice and tips on how to prepare now.

Your speakers:

  • Guy Stapleford, head of consultancy, Procurement for Housing (PfH)
  • Jane Brighouse, quality and compliance manager, Procurement for Housing
  • John Wallace, director of procurement, Clarion Housing Group
  • Chair: James Prestwich, director of policy and external affairs, Chartered Institute of Housing
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