Our recordings cover various topics, from practical housing management and high-level policy discussions to events designed to support your professional development. All recordings are free for all CIH members, log in and listen/watch from anywhere.

Member Only 13 Jun 2023 | Skills development

Investing in the Future: Reforming the Welfare System

Watch this session to hear from Grand Union Housing Group, CIH and Trussell Trust and explore the impact of welfare reform and the changes needed to ensure people receive appropriate support.

The session will look at the changes needed, based on the principles of adequacy, accessibility, fairness, flexibility and collaboration and explore how we can work together to influence policy development.

Why watch?

  • Learn about the changes needed, based on the principles of adequacy, accessibility, fairness, flexibility and collaboration 
  • A great opportunity to think about how you can help influence future manifesto development.
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Member Only 08 Jun 2023 | Skills development

Building Better Board - In my Shoes with Lara Oyedele

Advocating racial and ethnic diversity in housing boardrooms.

This recording is particularly relevant to board chairs, board members and those working in governance-related positions.

In my shoes is a CIH presidential campaign, by Lara Oyedele, that seeks to raise awareness of the importance of racial diversity in the housing sector, drawing on Lara’s lived experience of the housing sector and racial adversity. 

Boardrooms across the sector are not representative of the organisations or communities that they serve, join Lara to hear what we can do to challenge the sector, and ourselves in order to effect change.

Why watch?

  • Hear delegates participate in the conversation with our expert speaker - we encourage delegates to challenge, debate and share their ideas and insights.
  • Listen to delegates communicating with fellow board members and governance professionals to discover new ideas to guide your organisation.
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Member Only 06 Jun 2023 | Masterclass

Sustaining Tenancies - The Value of Pre-tenancy Engagement

Watch this Housing Management masterclass to hear practical examples from housing providers who have implemented new measures to ensure every individual they work with gets all the support they need to sustain their tenancy.

This session will explore how effective pre-tenancy engagement can support tenants to thrive and sustain tenancies.

Why watch?

  • Learn from case studies showcasing strong practice-based approaches to support tenants
  • Develop a clearer understanding of your obligations, and how to create the environment for tenants communities to thrive
  • Understand the importance of training and support for staff, to help them work with tenants to sustain tenancies
  • Explore how to embed this as a strategic approach to sustainable tenancies and communities
  • Learn how this practice can break down recurring cycles of homelessness.
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Member Only 30 May 2023 | Events

Housing Brighton 2023: Delivering the Better Social Housing Review

Helen Baker, chair of the Better Social Housing Review shares more about the recommendations set forth by the panel and what's next for housing.

Member Only 30 May 2023 | Events

Housing Brighton 2023: Developing and maintaining homes fit for the future

The new Future Homes Standard should ensure that all new homes built from 2025 will produce 75-80 per cent less carbon emissions than homes delivered under current regulations. The new homes we build also need to meet building safety standards and form part of well-designed neighbourhoods which will provide good places to live for decades to come. Watch back our interview with CIH's Sarah Davis to discover more from this session at Housing Brighton.

Member Only 30 May 2023 | Events

Housing Brighton 2023: Delivering successful retrofit projects

The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) was set up to enhance the energy efficiency of socially rented homes. And with the announcement of successful SHDF Wave 2 bids, planning for project delivery across the country is now underway. Following this workshop, we caught up with CIH's Dr Matthew Scott to explore practical advice for successful delivery and take a look at the best practices including excellence in resident involvement and how best to measure success.

Member Only 30 May 2023 | Events

Housing Brighton 2023: Better information management

The Building Safety Act, Better Social Housing Review and the Housing Ombudsman have all shone a light on the importance of record keeping and information management to better look after our homes and support our tenants. CIH's Rachael Williamson shares more about our session with the Housing Ombudsman at Housing Brighton 2023.

Member Only 30 May 2023 | Events

Housing Brighton 2023: Tackling homelessness

The numbers of people in temporary accommodation or sleeping rough present some of the most acute housing and support needs in the country. We caught up with CIH's Hannah Keilloh to explore this session from Housing Brighton where the panel discussed what can be done to prevent homelessness, support those who are homeless and how all housing organisations can be part of the solution.

Member Only 30 May 2023 | Events

Housing Brighton 2023: Delivering a culture of professionalism

Professionalism in housing has never had a higher profile. It sits alongside recruitment challenges and a renewed focus on listening to tenants to deliver our core purpose. We caught up with Denise Fowler, chief executive of Phoenix Community Housing to discover more following this session at Housing Brighton 2023.

Member Only 30 May 2023 | Events

Housing Brighton 2023: Building future leaders

Alysha Burrell, founder and director of Building Future Leaders shares more about her session at the 2023 Housing Brighton.

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