The CIH UK Housing Review 2021 has reported that if the Scottish Government’s current social housing target is achieved, net growth in Scotland’s social housing stock will be around 25,000 homes.
Legislation has been passed giving more powers to police, courts and social landlords to protect people at risk of domestic abuse.
The Scottish Government has launched its new strategy on the long-term future of the housing sector, setting out its priorities for Housing to 2040.
The Chartered Institute of Housing has introduced set of professional standards setting out the knowledge, skills and behaviour which underpin the great work that housing professionals do every day.
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Earlier today, chancellor Rishi Sunak addressed the House of Commons to deliver his 2021 Budget statement.
The winners of this year’s annual housing awards for excellence in housing have been announced at a virtual awards ceremony on 26 February.
The Coming Home report sets out vital actions for the church, government and other stakeholders to help build better communities and truly affordable homes.
CIH chief executive, Gavin Smart responds to the housing secretary's building safety funding announcement.
The winners of Scotland’s annual awards for excellence in housing have been announced at a special ‘virtual’ awards ceremony on 4 February.
The Scottish Government published the Infrastructure Investment Plan on 4 February 2021.
The draft Scottish Budget for 2021-22 was announced on 28 January.
We're delighted to announce the shortlisted nominees for CIH's all-Ireland housing awards 2021.
During a debate in the House of Lords, Home Office ministers were unwilling to accept amendment to the Domestic Abuse Bill and grant a one year grace period from the benefit cap.
A joint letter sent to Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Kate Forbes ahead of this week's Scottish Government budget announcement calls for commitment to a new affordable housing aupply programme.