03 Dec 2020 | Climate and sustainability | Development and regeneration | Income and financial wellbeing | Regulation and legal

Budget 2020 – CIH welcomes help for council house-building

In response to the Chancellor’s decision to cut the cost of borrowing for councils to build more homes, hear what CIH chief executive Gavin Smart has to say.

02 Dec 2020 | Development and regeneration | Homelessness

Three-quarters support legal right to housing in Wales

Just over three quarters of the Welsh public agree that a right to housing should be a law in Wales - in this snapshot of public opinion, find out what other views on housing the public hold.

02 Dec 2020 | Development and regeneration | Homelessness

Tri chwarter yn cefnogi'r hawl gyfreithiol i gartref yng Nghymru

Mae mwy na thri chwarter o bobl yng Nghymru'n cefnogi hawl gyfreithiol i gartref, yn ôl arolwg newydd gan CIH Cymru. Darllenwch ragor am safbwyntiau'r cyhoedd ynglŷn â thai.

02 Dec 2020 | Development and regeneration

Poll highlighting stigma towards social housing reveals deep-seated issues for delivery of future homes

A recent poll of 507 adults commissioned by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) in partnership with Professor Roger Awan-Scully of Cardiff University.

01 Dec 2020 | Development and regeneration

90 percent of Scots want Government to guarantee housing for all

New research from CIH Scotland explores public attitudes to social housing in Scotland.

26 Nov 2020 | Homelessness

Community-led approaches to tackling empty homes must be used to full potential

Research delivered through Tyfu Tai Cymru calls for more to be done to reduce the barriers to community-led approaches to addressing empty homes becoming more common-place.

25 Nov 2020 | CIH updates | Development and regeneration | Homelessness

CIH responds to UK Spending Review 2020

Our thoughts in response to the UK Spending Review announced on 25 November 2020.

19 Nov 2020 | Climate and sustainability | Development and regeneration | Homelessness | Income and financial wellbeing

CIH Scotland, Shelter Scotland and SFHA make joint call for an increase in funding to build 53,000 social and affordable homes

In a joint response to the draft Infrastructure Investment Plan CIH Scotland, Shelter Scotland and SFHA have called for the Scottish Government to increase affordable housing supply levels.

17 Nov 2020 | CIH updates | Income and financial wellbeing | Regulation and legal

CIH responds to social housing white paper

We are pleased that the long-promised white paper has been published.

09 Nov 2020 | CIH updates

CIH Scotland appoints new vice chair

CIH Scotland has confirmed the appointment of Gavin Smith from Fife Council as its new vice chair.

06 Nov 2020 | Homelessness | Regulation and legal

CIH joins plea to UK Government to reconsider new immigration rules targeting rough sleepers for deportation

Alongside the coalition, we are calling for the government to work with us to deliver more positive and effective alternatives

03 Nov 2020 | CIH updates | Climate and sustainability | Development and regeneration | Regulation and legal

CIH welcomes minister’s announcement signalling substantial changes to housing policy in Northern Ireland

We welcome the announcement by the minister for communities to reconstruct whole aspects of housing policy, not least promising to reform the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

02 Nov 2020 | Health and housing

One year from the launch of the Housing and Dementia Framework

The Housing and Dementia Framework was launched by CIH Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Alzheimer Scotland at an event on 30 October 2019.

23 Oct 2020 | Homelessness | Regulation and legal

CIH Scotland responds to consultation on local connection referrals

The Scottish Government agreed to review the process of local connection referrals and following initial consultation in 2019, has now set out detailed proposals to suspend all referrals.

20 Oct 2020 | CIH updates | Regulation and legal

CIH responds to National Statement of Expectations for Supported Housing

Today, the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) has published its National Statement of Expectations for Supported Housing.