Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Member only 18 Jul 2024

What you need to know about the King's Speech

Find out in this member only briefing what you need to know about the State Opening of Parliament and what policies made it into the King's Speech.

16 Jul 2024

Why councils are underinvesting in housing and how an updated debt settlement could put that right

This report in partnership with Savills looks at how an updated debt settlement could revitalise council housing finances and create greater capacity for LAs to provide good quality homes

Member only 05 Jul 2024

What you need to know about the Labour party manifesto pledges on housing

Now that Labour have been elected CIH have put together a member WYNTK document on all of their party pledges.

Free 01 Jul 2024

Careers in housing management: How to improve routes into the profession

This report explores the size and make up of the housing management workforce in Scotland.

01 Jul 2024

CIH Cymru response to Welsh Government's draft mental health and well being strategy

Our response highlights the positive impact a home can have on an individuals mental health and well being together with providing training and support for front line housing professionals who assist those with poor mental health and well being. 

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Member only 24 Jun 2024

Focus on influencing Scotland: June 2024

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

Free 20 Jun 2024

National housing emergency action plan for Scotland: joint statement

CIH Scotland and partners have published a joint open letter to Scotland’s First Minister along with key actions needed to address the housing emergency.

18 Jun 2024

Back the Bill: A route for the right to adequate housing in Wales

Highlighting how the right to adequate housing could be introduced in Wales and crucially, what it could look like.

18 Jun 2024

Cefnogi’r Bil: Llwybr ar gyfer yr hawl i dai digonol yng Nghymru

Tynnu sylw at sut y gellid cyflwyno’r hawl i dai digonol yng Nghymru ac yn hollbwysig, sut y gallai edrych.

Member only 17 Jun 2024

What you need to know about the party manifesto election pledges on housing

Learn what you need to know on what all the political parties have to say on housing in their manifestos.

13 Jun 2024

Apply to join CIH's Policy Advisory Committee

As we prepare for a change of government, we’re seeking up to four new members to join our Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) and help steer CIH’s policy and external affairs over the coming years.

Member only 11 Jun 2024

What you need to know about Scotland's housing emergency: updated June 2024

This CIH member briefing gives an update on the housing emergency and how the Scottish Government is responding.

Free 10 Jun 2024

Housing (Scotland) Bill: call for evidence

CIH Scotland response to the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee call for evidence on the Housing (Scotland) Bill 2024

Free 10 Jun 2024

Housing (Scotland) Bill: Financial Memorandum response

CIH Scotland response to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's call for views on the Financial Memorandum of the Housing (Scotland) Bill.

Member only 17 May 2024

What you need to know about the draft guidance for SHDF Wave 3

With the new guidance for applying for the next wave of funding now released, read up on the key points for your application.