Our publications focus on the latest policy topics and practical advice that you need to do your job. CIH members can access all our publication documents for free, please ensure you are logged into the website.

Member only 14 May 2024

What you need to know about the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (2023)

This briefing provides a summary for CIH members on the most significant aspects of The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (2023).

23 Apr 2024

CIH's response to Ofgem’s affordability and debt call for input

We warmly welcome the programme of work that Ofgem has instigated to explore how to improve outcomes for consumers in the energy market.

22 Apr 2024

CIH Cymru's response to local government and housing committee inquiry into social housing supply

Our submission to the Senedd's Local Government and Housing Committees inquiry into social housing supply in Wales considers progress towards the current 20,000 new low carbon social homes together with the challenges and opportunities for increasing supply of social and affordable homes in Wales. 

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Member only 19 Apr 2024

CIH Cymru Professional Development Toolkit Supporting guidance for landlords

This guidance is for housing organisations to provide support and direction on how to invest in their workforce in order to deliver better performance and better outcomes for tenants and customers.

Member only 19 Apr 2024

Pecyn Cymorth Datblygiad Proffesiynol CIH Cymru Canllawiau i gefnogi landlordiaid

Mae’r arweiniad hwn ar gyfer sefydliadau tai i roi cymorth a chyfeiriad iddynt ar sut y fuddsoddi yn eu gweithlu er mwyn cyflawni gwell perfformiad a chanlyniadau gwell i denantiaid a chwsmeriaid

Member only 15 Apr 2024

Focus on influencing Scotland: April 2024

This publication provides a round up of recent Scottish briefings, consultation responses and member updates.

Free 15 Apr 2024

Delivering Scotland's affordable homes

This publication explores the options for delivering affordable homes in Scotland following the recant cut to the Affordable Housing Supply Programme budget.

10 Apr 2024

CIH response to the changes to various permitted development rights consultation

Read our response to DLUHC's consultation which highlights our longstanding concerns about the permitted development right (PDR) regime as a means for increasing housing numbers.

08 Apr 2024

CIH’s response to the Housing Ombudsman Service’s consultation on its 2024/25 business plan

We welcomed the opportunity to provide comments on the Housing Ombudsman Service’s (HOS) business plan for 2024/25.

05 Apr 2024

CIH’s response to the Competence and Conduct consultation

We have submitted a full response to the government’s consultation on the Competence and Conduct Standard for social housing.

Member only 28 Mar 2024

What you need to know on the Housing (Scotland) Bill

The Housing (Scotland) Bill was introduced on 26 March 2024. It makes changes to the law in relation to housing, covering protections for tenants, homelessness prevention, and other housing matters.

28 Mar 2024

CIH Northern Ireland response to the call for evidence on A Future Focused Review of the Strategic Planning Policy Statement (SPPS) on the issue of Climate Change

This response outlines key areas where the SPPS can be strengthened to better support a low-carbon and climate-resilient future. QUESTION 1: Can you provide any evidence

28 Mar 2024

CIH response to the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ consultation on social housing allocations

Download our consultation submission to DLUHC on their proposed national eligibility test and mandatory qualification tests at local level. This also included proposals on anti-social behaviour.

25 Mar 2024

CIH response to brownfield land consultation

CIH have submitted our response to the open consultation on changes to national planning policy to support brownfield development.

In our response we outline that we have a a pressing need for more homes in this country, and agree that developing brownfield land can help to address this. However, we point out that meeting housing need is not just about the numbers of units delivered. We must ensure that new homes are fit for purpose for people’s existing and future needs, are affordable, are well connected and meet wider climate change challenges. We are clear that the desire to develop unutilised brownfield land must not come at the expense of quality and placemaking.

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20 Mar 2024

UK Housing Review 2024

The UK Housing Review is a key resource for housing professionals, leaders and policymakers across the public and private housing sectors in the UK.

If you're not a member and would like to access a PDF copy of the UK Housing Review 2024, you can purchase this from the CIH Bookshop

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