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19 June 2024


Microsoft Teams


14:00 - 15:00

Discover what the CIH Knowledge Hub can offer you and your organisation

The CIH Knowledge Hub is a huge online library which contains information on the latest housing issues, in-depth case studies and other resources. 

Things can move quite quickly in housing, so making sure our members have a space to get vital up-to-date news, information and guidance is incredibly important. 

Why attend?

In our next membership session, we will showcase the recently updated CIH Knowledge Hub and demonstrate how this online resource can support you in your role as a housing professional. 

We'll be joined by CIH digital content manager, Emma Elston who will be discussing how the Knowledge Hub can assist you throughout your career and will be showing you how to access cutting edge best practice and information around current legislation. We will also be joined by some of our members who have contributed case studies, plus individuals that use the Hub frequently.   

This interactive session will give you the opportunity to network with other delegates and to share your thoughts and feedback on the newly updated knowledge hub. 

Your speakers:

  • Emma Elston, digital content manager, Chartered Institute of Housing 

  • Dave Mayner, director of housing service and community engagement, Co-Operative Housing, Republic of Ireland 

  • Kevin Howe, assistant Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP) manager (homelessness services), Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership

  • Chairs: Rachael Williamson, head of policy and external affairs, Chartered Institute of Housing

Package Member Non-Member
Standard delegate rate Free Free

Please see our full terms and conditions before making your booking. 

Board membership
We are proud to be supporting board members and governance professionals through our Building Better Boards membership offer.
Knowledge Hub
Gain access to a huge library of information on the latest housing issues, in-depth case studies and other resources.
Membership Benefits
Are you making the most of your CIH membership?