Apply for the Welsh Housing Awards 2024

Deadline for applications is 20 September 2024

It’s time to think about which categories you could apply for and start working on your applications. The closing date for applications will be 20 September 2024.

The winners will be announced at a live award ceremony at the Mercure Cardiff Holland House Hotel on the evening of 12 December 2024.

Important information about applying

Please use the following guidelines when writing your statement of support (600 words max) and outcomes and achievements (200 words max).

  • Do refer to yourself and/or your organisation in the third person.
  • Do use simple plain wording.
  • Don't use acronyms.
  • Please ensure your text has been proofed and is publishing ready. We will not proof your entries for the compendium.
  • Please ensure all photos are high resolution, (publishable), in JPEG format and relevant to the application.
Conditions of entry
  • During the application process, you will be asked to enter a 600-word (maximum) statement of support and a 200-word (maximum) statement detailing the outcomes and achievements to date for this entry.
  • An organisation may join together with others to submit joint entries.
  • Organisations can submit multiple entries in any particular category. 
  • Past winning entries cannot be re-entered.
  • If entering the same project across multiple categories, each entry must be tailored to the specific category criteria. You may not re-use the same statement across multiple categories.
  • The judging panels reserve the right to transfer an application if they feel it is more appropriately placed in another category than it was initially entered.
  • All entries will be judged on the information provided at the time of entry; no subsequent correspondence will be considered.
  • For certain award categories, a site visit may be required as part of the judging process. This will be outlined in the individual award categories.
  • The decision of the judging panels is final.
  • Judging panels are not required to offer feedback on any individual entries.
  • One representative from the organisation will be required to attend the ceremony on the night to accept the award.
Technical information

Due to varying local browser settings we cannot guarantee that this form will automatically save your input. We recommend you draft and save your supporting statement and outcomes and achievements for the application in another program (e.g. Microsoft Word) before completing the form.

Do not use any special characters on your application as this may cause an error, and your application is not submitted. Special characters include but are not limited to (*&^%$£"!).

Submitting your application

By applying for the Welsh housing awards, we wanted to let you know if your award is shortlisted, we will publish award details online, on social media and in email.

We will also be producing a digital Good Practice Compendium of shortlisted entries, which will include contact details for the relevant person in your organisation.

If you want to opt-out please email

Tips for entering

It can be difficult to know where to begin when submitting your award entry so here are a few handy hints and tips to help your entry stand out from the rest.

Before you begin writing your submission make sure you read:

  • The conditions of entry.
  • The specific criteria for each category you are entering (this is what the judges will be looking for in your submission).
  • Make sure you answer all the questions within the online application form as fully as possible.
  • Try to keep your entry concise and focused but be explicit – remember the judges may not know anything about your project/scheme/campaign etc so try not to assume knowledge.
  • Be aware of the maximum word count for each section and make sure you do not exceed this.
  • Give some thought to the title of your entry as this name will determine how your entry is named in the promotional material associated with the awards.
  • Make sure you read the entry criteria thoroughly and remember that whilst you do not need to meet all of the criteria listed, your application will be strengthened considerably if you can evidence that most of the criteria is met.
  • Bear in mind that the judges will also be looking for tangible evidence to support your entry. Make your entry stand out by providing performance data, costs, examples, first-hand testimonials or user feedback where appropriate but remember this information must be counted as part of your word allowance.
  • We will not accept additional documents, links or videos to support your entry.
  • Ask colleagues who have been directly involved with your project/scheme/campaign etc to assist you with writing your submission, their knowledge and enthusiasm will be invaluable.
  • Ask a colleague to check your entry and give honest feedback – they may be able to help you to highlight the key points you are aiming to get across to the judging panel. They may also spot a spelling mistake you’ve missed!

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