Member Only 18 Sep 2019

Getting your house in order: writing policies and procedures

Writing effective policies and procedures for your organisation can be challenging. How do you know that you are applying and interpreting the law correctly when needed? Does the wording of your policies make it clear and easy to understand?

Many organisations are in the process of updating their policies and training their staff where needed in order to conduct these reviews and updates. In organisations where there is no dedicated policy resource, embedding this can be even more challenging.

Once the policies are written there is then the implementation and application of them that poses the next challenge for staff. How do you ensure that there is high enough engagement with your policies for them to be implemented consistently across the organisation? How do you empower staff to make the right decisions, all informed by the policies?

This webinar recording covers all of those topics, as well as highlighting some case studies of where this has worked well and indeed, not so well. 

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