Our recordings cover various topics, from practical housing management and high-level policy discussions to events designed to support your professional development. All recordings are free for all CIH members, log in and listen/watch from anywhere.

Member Only 03 Nov 2020

PoP! Understanding the Psychology of Poverty

Hannah Absalom shared aspects of her research and invited delegates to feedback opinions and experiences looking at the role of housing and it's social purpose.

Areas covered were:

  • A very brief outline of Behavioural Economics and how it resulted in two strands, traditional behavioural insights
    and the Psychology of Poverty (PoP).
  • Why it’s relevant to social housing, especially now
  • PoP’s insights into the individual living in poverty
  • PoP’s insights into the environment of poverty
  • PoP’s insights into the perceptions of poverty
  • Consideration of ethics and risks.
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Member Only 29 Oct 2020 | Legal update

Draft Building Safety Bill? The new regulatory framework. What will this mean in practice?

We looked at the key elements of the Draft Building Safety Bill which is due before the CLG select committee in July. Debbie Larner, head of knowledge and products, presented the key elements of the bill and considered what this will mean in practice for landlords and, importantly, what must be done to prepare for the new regime.

Member Only 20 Oct 2020

Its time to talk Race - if not now, then when?

Black History Month took place throughout October and we are proud to present members with a webinar from leading race speaker Karl George. Karl’s personal story as a black man growing up and living in Birmingham throughout his life is one of real power and significance. Racial injustice has been and continues to be rife within British society.

Here at the CIH, we are determined to do more to tackle this and will do more. We want to celebrate the diversity of talent within the sector and support organisations in creating meaningful opportunities for people from all backgrounds to progress in their careers, irrespective of race, gender, sexuality or any other protected characteristic. We also want to do more to ensure that the people that live in our homes, our tenants, residents and customers also have equal opportunity.

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Member Only 15 Oct 2020 | Career development

Honest conversations: Promoting equality and ensuring diversity

We heard conversations around what equality and diversity means in a Northern Ireland context. It enabled participants to gain an understanding of how the area of equality and diversity has progressed over the years in Northern Ireland, as well as opening up an honest conversation around what more can be done promote the role of women, ethnic minorities and LGBT+ within our organisations.

We want to give members the confidence to address these issues with colleagues and management within their respective organisations.

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Member Only 14 Oct 2020 | Career development

The future of diversity in the social housing sector

What is the future of diversity in the sector? Our speakers and chairs in this webinar examined and discussed:

  • Social landlords and diversity - why London landlords do not reflect their diverse communities (board, executives and senior managers)
  • Overcoming challenges faced by diverse groups - networking as a means of overcoming challenges
  • Moving forward - how to improve diversity in the sector
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01 Oct 2020


In this virtual event for CIH volunteers and regional group members we heard from Gavin Smart, chief executive officer at CIH as he gave an update on the last year including the impact of COVID-19 and his general reflections on where CIH are at now. He shared a glimpse of future plans, as well as thanking you as volunteers for all of your commitment to the profession and membership. Debbie Larner, head of knowledge and products at CIH updated delegates on the CIH professional standards framework and discussed next steps in the project and our initial plans to start rolling this out across the sector, with the support of CIH volunteers.

Aileen Evans, CIH President, joined us to provide an update on her presidential campaign ‘Shine a Light’. She explained that the fundraising efforts have been continuing till been taking place and she raised awareness of the campaign. Aileen also introduced us to the new mental health tool kit for the sector which was recently launched.

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Member Only 30 Sep 2020

Building better boards: Championing diversity and ensuring equality

We as a professional body are committed to supporting the sector with professional standards, but in particular championing diversity at all levels. This event explored good practice already in existence, but also importantly discussed the challenges for the sector in ensuring we have diversity across our organisations, but also are representative of our communities. In a continuation from our first Building better boards event, Mark Brown, CEO of the Dolphin Index expanded on how boards cannot live by governance alone, exploring how having diversity on boards can drive better decision making, and enable greater success.

Gera Patel, senior consultant at Campbell Tickell brings close to 20 years’ experience of working in and with a wide range of organisations. Now sitting on the consultancy side, Gera provided her insights on how a board’s recruitment and succession planning can be improved, opening themselves up to the wealth of talent available from across the diversity spectrum.

Mushtaq Khan, currently interim CEO at Housing Diversity Network also brought his lived experience of rising to senior roles within the housing sector. Housing Diversity Network are one of the leading organisations that help organisations to be better. We heard his take on where the sector is right now, and what are the practical measures that boards can take to change things for the better, encouraging more diversity at all levels.

Progress Housing Group were one of the first organisations to try and create a board development programme for candidates who perhaps didn’t have direct experience sitting on a board, but aspired to do so. We heard about their programme, the successes it had, but also where there is learning to be had in how programmes like this can be rolled out more widely and ensure that the talent being generated does then result it greater diversity actually being on the boards at the end.


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21 Sep 2020

Building better boards Cymru

We heard from a fantastic line-up of expert speakers at this inaugural Building better boards Cymru virtual event. We discussed the roles of boards and listened to best practice and how CIH is committed to supporting board members and governance professionals in Wales to overcome the challenges they face. Our speakers debated what the immediate impact of the COVID-19 crisis has had on providers, and considered how we can all inspire positive change to develop good governance within organisations long into the future.

17 Sep 2020

Leadership in housing - a looming capability gap?

The Chartered Institute of Housing and the Institute of Leadership and Management launched their report ‘Leadership in Housing – a looming capability gap?’ The research for this report was presented along with recommendations on how we can ensure the future strength and success of the UK housing sector. We as the professional body recognise that there has been a leadership gap widening in the sector for some time and our report will help to lay the foundations of the steps we want to take with you to fix the problem.

in 2020 we have seen the broad range of skills that leaders need to have in order to be successful and keep the organisation running. It is fundamental that we as a sector do more to support aspiring leaders, in a meaningful and sustained way.

Drawing on the expertise of the Institute of Leadership and Management, this isn’t just about how we can be good leaders now and develop future talent, but more so, how we can do that in housing context. We are excited to also announce that our partnership will be going further in bringing you a joint membership offer.

Leadership in Housing – a looming capability gap? - Read the report

Joint membership offer with The Institute of Leadership and Management

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Member Only 26 Aug 2020

Tipping point: Health and housing – building better partnerships

We heard about iHub’s work to support the housing sector in Scotland in dealing with the immediate impact of the Coronavirus outbreak and longer-term plans to promote better practice and partnership working between housing, health and social care. We also heard how Bield has had to adapt their services and what support they offered to tenants, as well as their experience of working with partners in health and social care.

Good housing is essential to our health and wellbeing. If there was ever any doubt about this, it has been well and truly extinguished by the Coronavirus epidemic which has cast new light on the inequalities within our society. People without a secure place to live, or space to work, and for children to learn and play, have been hit much harder by the pandemic.

At the same time, the amazing work of social landlords has ensured that tenants and communities have been supported, and that food and other essentials are being distributed to those who need them. As we start to adjust to a ‘new normal’ after Coronavirus, we need to be asking what lessons can be learned from the housing sector’s response to the pandemic and how can we build better relationships with our partners in health and social care?

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