Everyone should be able to live in a safe, decent home and be listened to when they raise a concern. We must make improvements across all areas of the sector to achieve better outcomes for our tenants and communities.

We wanted to share some resources to support in this area where we address the critical issues and challenges. We encourage you to look at these resources, review your practices and share any good examples you may have so as a sector, we can work together to improve outcomes for tenants and restore faith in the housing. 


Our guide to tackle damp and mould

CIH members can download our exclusive 'How to tackle damp and mould' guide. This member briefing contains information, advice and resources to help you address issues of damp and mould across the sector.



Getting it Right
Recording - Listen back to our event where we explored the challenges in identifying and addressing the root cause of damp and mould, and discussed taking a zero-tolerance approach and how you can rethink tenant engagement to tackle this issue effectively. 
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Tackling damp and mould
Recording - We take a deep-dive into the Housing Ombudsman extensive investigation into complaints around damp and mould and the recommendations it has for landlords. We looked at how technology can be harnessed to help you identify risk and respond appropriately. 
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Putting safety first
Putting safety first: a briefing note on damp and mould for social housing practitioners in Scotland. This guide provides an overview for practitioners on dealing with damp and mould in a way which is proactive, understanding of tenants’ experiences, and effective in resolving the underlying issue.
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Using resident feedback
We discuss the latest data on how the sector currently compares to the emerging tenant satisfaction measures and what good looks like. We also discuss key drivers for resident perception, hints and tips on how to make the most of your feedback. Plus, innovative examples of what some landlords are doing to transform their business.
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Complaint Handling
We explore how to use complaints to achieve real improvements in services and customer satisfaction. You’ll hear the latest updates and best practice guidance from the Housing Ombudsman and housing providers who have taken measures to effectively handle complaints and improve tenant satisfaction.
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Asset Management
It has never been more important for housing association boards to have a clear understanding of investing wisely to ensure homes are of good quality and meet needs and expectations of tenants, now and for the future. 
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Building Safety
We’ll help you understand the new parameters and what you should be doing to prepare to deliver resident engagement strategies in your high-rise buildings. We’ll also discuss best practice that goes beyond the requirements of the Act.
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Housing Ombudsman report
Housing Ombudsman spotlight report on damp and mould - originally released in October 2021
Improving residents lives
Improving residents’ lives and landlords’ service through housing complaints. It has never been more important for housing association boards to have a clear understanding of investing wisely to ensure homes are of good quality and meet needs and expectations of tenants, now and for the future. 
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Satisfaction measures
What you need to know about the tenant satisfaction measures - a guide of the key developments
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Resident feedback
Making the most of your resident feedback - Stephanie Lacey, data consultancy lead from Housemark discusses driving service improvement through resident feedback.
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Stigma and Social Housing
Stigma and Social Housing in England: their implications for housing sector and the profession - Dr. Mercy Denedo and Dr. Amanze Ejiogu highlight a few of the key issues from their recent consultation report and implications for housing professionals
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Understand your customers
Customer Psychographic Segmentation and Insight - Discover how you can better understand your customers through needs and behaviours by watching this event recording with Grand Union Housing Group.
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Social Housing Bill
Social Housing (Regulation) Bill - make sure you're up to date with our thoughts on the Bill and some proposed amendments.
Modern asset management
Keeping the plates spinning - the reality of modern asset management - Elly Hoult explores how we face the biggest challenges in asset management ensure residents are living in safe, warm, dry, and modern homes.
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Training course

Tackling damp, mould and condensation

This course looks at the different types of damp and how to identify them. It then focusses on the issues of condensation and mould, how to prevent, how to deal with and how to educate residents on the issues. It also looks at the changes landlord organisations may have to make to policy and practice.

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As a member, you will gain professional recognition across the sector and beyond, demonstrating your commitment to creating a housing system where everyone has a place to call home.

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